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The Center for Minority Veterans (CMV) shares these events as they may be of interest to minority Veterans and to raise awareness. Access the full calendar of events on the CMV Events Calendar. If you would like to notify us of a relevant event in your area for consideration, please email us at
11/01/2024 07:10 AM EDT
Virtual – November 20, 2024 – The 2nd Event scheduled for Native American/Alaskan Native Heritage Month. Please join us for Music, culture, traditions and stories of native American Veterans who serve in combat and how they are doing now. A time for reflection, and healing during this month.
11/01/2024 07:00 AM EDT
Virtual – November 6, 2024 – Welcome to the first of two events to celebrate the Native American Heritage Month. The two celebrations are scheduled for November 6th and 20th of 2024. We welcome everyone to heritage, culture and pride.