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In Case You Missed It: The Center for Women Veterans is sharing recent news stories that may be of interest to women Veterans, military women, and their supporters on a weekly basis. Share your thoughts about them on social media @VAWomenVets.

02/27/2023 04:00 PM EST
Your health care providers keep telling you to “eat more vegedivs,” “increase your fiber,” and “add kale to your diet—it’s a superfood.” How can you achieve all these things in one dish? [From VA News]
02/23/2023 07:55 AM EST
If you’ve filed a VA disability claim and are awaiting a decision letter, you can access it online once it’s ready. Veterans with a sign-in can use this online option to access their disability decisions whenever they need them. No need to store hard copies or request reprints from VA. [From VA News]
02/20/2023 04:00 PM EST
When I lived in North Carolina, I remember the story of a local woman who made the news for a message that was left on her car. She had parked at a grocery store in a space reserved for Veterans. She returned to find a note taped to her door stating, “This parking is for Veterans, lady. Learn to read & have some respect.” The woman had served for eight years in the U.S. Navy. [From VA News]