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VA News
07/19/2024 12:00 PM EDT
This week’s Honoring Veterans Spotlight honors the service of Army Veteran Benjamin F. Wilson, who served during World War II and the Korean War.
07/19/2024 10:30 AM EDT
Veterans ride Wichita city buses for free. Seeking to improve the quality of life and independence of homeless and recently housed Veterans.
07/19/2024 09:30 AM EDT
Do you know the warning signs of skin cancer? July is UV Safety Awareness Month, and it’s important to know that anyone, no matter their skin tone, can get skin cancer.
07/18/2024 04:30 PM EDT
After a Veteran passes away, family members should report the death of the Veteran to VA as soon as possible to stop current benefits payments. If the death is not reported promptly, survivors or executors of the Veteran’s estate may have to repay any overpayments received.