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All Genres Wanted!
Women Veterans Authors Wanted
We are excited about all of the wonderful programs we have going on and would like to take time to share an exciting invitation to our CWV Women Veterans Book Corner, which will highlight some of our Nation’s amazing women Veteran authors.

Are you a woman Veteran author, or do you know of one? CWV would love to highlight your book and share your story. Here is how to participate:
- Download and complete the submission form
- Return the completed form (please type the form)
- Include 3 high-resolution photos of the cover of your book, yourself in the service, and yourself now
- Attach an electronic copy of your book
- Send your completed package to 00w@va.govwith the subject of “CWV Authors Book Corner submission” for Author of the Month
*Please include as much of the requested material as possible, as it is necessary to complete and publish it on our site. Please answer the with full sentences as we will turn your submission into a blog that will be share on VA News*
*Due to the number of submissions and legal guidelines we cannot highlight every book submitted, you will be contacted if your book is selected.*