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In Case You Missed It: The Center for Women Veterans is sharing recent news stories that may be of interest to women Veterans, military women, and their supporters on a weekly basis. Share your thoughts about them on social media @VAWomenVets.

12/06/2022 05:00 AM EST
Get the Recruitment & Retention, Employment & Integration, Well Being & Treatment, Servicwomen in the News, Women Veterans, and Upcoming Events DACOWITS news from November 2022. [From DACOWITS]
12/05/2022 04:00 PM EST
What does gratitude have to do with well-being? Those of us who make being thankful a routine part of our lives tend to be happier, have stronger relationships, and enjoy better overall health. We can learn how to incorporate gratitude into our daily lives. [From VA News]
12/04/2022 04:00 PM EST
The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. Seeing family, spending time with friends, baking and cooking, decorating… But sometimes they are not so wonderful. The holidays can bring happy times and memories but can also cause a great deal of stress and pressure for women Veterans to make this season meet expectations. [From VA News]
12/03/2022 09:01 AM EST
This month’s CWV Book Corner author is Air Force and Air National Guard Veteran, Dr. Antoinette Allen, who wrote “Bras, Bootstraps, and the Bible: Stories of Resilience.” Each month, VA’s Center for Women Veterans profiles a different woman Veteran author as part of its Women Veteran Authors Book Corner. This month’s author is Air Force and Air National Guard Veteran, Dr. Antoinette Allen, who served from 1993-1997 on Active Duty and 1997-2014 in the Air National Guard. [From VA News]
12/02/2022 11:30 AM EST
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is U.S. Air Force Veteran Lori J. Robinson, who was the commander of USNORTHCOM and NORAD and set many milestones for women in the Air Force. Lori J. Robinson was born in 1959 in Big Spring, Texas. She attended the University of New Hampshire, where she joined the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program. This led her to enter the Air Force in 1982. [From VA News]
We honor her service.