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In Case You Missed It: The Center for Women Veterans is sharing recent news stories that may be of interest to women Veterans, military women, and their supporters on a weekly basis. Share your thoughts about them on social media @VAWomenVets.

09/04/2023 04:30 PM EDT
Quick! Squeeze your shoulders back and hold while you count to five. Don’t forget to breathe while you’re doing it. Now, make tight fists and hold for the count of five. BREATHE! What other body parts and muscles need your attention right now? Can you give another five seconds to those parts? [From VA News]
09/04/2023 12:00 PM EDT
Julia Helen Nashannay Reeves was born July 1, 1919, in Crandon, Wisconsin, and was a member of the Potawatomie Tribe. She went to nursing school in Philadelphia and joined the Army Nurse Corps as a 2LT in 1942. Reeves was assigned to the 53rd Evacuation Hospital, one of the first hospitals to be activated when America entered World War II. [From VA News]
We honor her service.
08/31/2023 10:30 AM EDT
Two VA therapists are leading a virtual group to foster community and coping skills for survivors of military sexual trauma (MST). The group is helpful because of its virtual setting and powerful because it includes survivors of all genders. Military sexual trauma refers to sexual assault or sexual harassment experienced during military service. [From VA News]
08/30/2023 12:00 PM EDT
Kathleen Bruyere, was born in Norfolk, VA, in 1944, Kathy, and enlisted in the Navy in 1966. Shortly after enlisting, she wed a fellow sailor and then broke with tradition by staying in the service at a time when most women resigned after getting married. By 1975, though, Bruyere was a Lieutenant Commander and the first female officer to serve as the flag secretary to an admiral commanding an operational staff. [From VA News]
We honor her service.
08/29/2023 12:00 PM EDT
Rosedith (Van Hoorebeck) Hawkins was born March 11, 1919, to Richard J. and Christina Van Hoorebeck. She attended St. Joseph’s Parochial High School in Rock Island, Illinois, where she played piano and participated in theater. She then attended Mercy Hospital School of Nursing in Davenport, Iowa, receiving her first-year cap in 1938. [From VA News]
We honor her service.
08/29/2023 10:30 AM EDT
Last month, the Perinatal Reproductive Educational Planning and Resources (PREPARe) program hosted its first VA Maternal Health Summit at Orlando VA, led by VHA Innovation Ecosystem senior innovation fellow and PREPARe innovator, Melissa Tran. After her own experiences with perinatal resources in the community, Tran, a marriage and family therapist and military sexual trauma coordinator at Orlando VA, was inspired to improve in-house perinatal services for Veterans. Women Veterans are the fastest growing Veteran population, and reproductive care is more important than ever in VA. [From VA News]