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In Case You Missed It: The Center for Women Veterans is sharing recent news stories that may be of interest to women Veterans, military women, and their supporters on a weekly basis. Share your thoughts about them on social media @VAWomenVets.

12/19/2022 04:00 PM EST
We know the Whole Health approach is successful when Veterans achieve outcomes they never even imagined. When you think about how you want to live your life—what you want to accomplish, what goals you want to reach, how you want to spend your time—what limits your imagination? Maybe it’s doubting you have the necessary skills and abilities. [From VA News]
12/16/2022 06:01 PM EST
On Friday, Dec. 16, 2022, VA Secretary Denis McDonough spoke at the PACT Act Week of Action at the Maj. Joseph R. “Beau” Biden III National Guard/Reserve Center. [From VA News]
12/15/2022 02:01 PM EST
The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA), Outreach, Transition and Economic Development (OTED) will host a three-hour virtual symposium on The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act—possibly the biggest expansion of Veterans benefits in history—from 1-4 p.m. ET on Dec 16. [From VA News]
12/15/2022 11:30 AM EST
Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Regina Benson. Benson served as in the Army Nurse Corps in WWII. Regina Benson joined the Army as an act of patriotic duty. She learned many relevant skills from nursing school and was passionate about serving her nation and comforting wounded soldiers. [From VA News]
We honor your service, Regina!
12/14/2022 08:00 AM EST
It is our great responsibility and privilege at VA to provide the best care and services to Veterans, their families, caregivers and survivors—and a key part of that effort is making sure that everyone who enters a VA facility is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. [From VA News]
12/13/2022 09:51 AM EST
VA is hiring qualified individuals to join the benefits team as it begins processing PACT Act claims starting in January 2023. These new VA employees will help ensure Veterans and survivors get the PACT Act-related benefits they’ve earned in a timely manner. They will serve in the roles of Veterans service representative, rating Veterans service representative and legal administrative specialist, and they will work across 56 regional offices and 39 other special processing and call centers within the United States and Puerto Rico. [From VA News]
12/12/2022 04:01 PM EST
A gentle twist incorporated into a mindful movement practice can help support the spine’s range of motion by rotating the spine and stretching the muscles of the back. Twists are also thought to help aid digestion as they can create movement in and around our organs and help that food move along! They can even help us feel more energized and uplifted, and literally change our perspective as we look in another direction. [From VA News]